Sixteenth British Combinatorial Conference

British Combinatorial Committee

The Sixteenth British Combinatorial Conference was held at Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, on 7-11 July 1997.

The local organisers were R. A. Bailey, P. J. Cameron, L. H. Soicher and S. Wilkinson.

As usual, the invited speakers' contributions were published in advance of the conference, edited by R. A. Bailey. You can see details of this volume, including abstracts of the papers, here.

You should order the book from your bookseller or from Cambridge University Press.

This website will remain for the time being. You can take a copy of the Problems presented at the conference (plain TeX file), or the Delegate List (LaTeX209 file). The Problems are also available as a PostScript file; and the Problems from BCC15 are still available.

Brinkmann's counterexamples to Alabdullatif's conjecture in Problem BCC16.2 are available as PostScript files: there is a trivalent and a tetravalent example.

DON'T FORGET that the Seventeenth British Combinatorial Conference will be held at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 12-16 July 1999. The local organisers are John Lamb and Donald Preece.

The preceding week (4-11 July 1999) there is a conference in memory of Paul Erdös, organised by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and other bodies. Why not take in both conferences? You can find details on their Web page.

Peter Cameron (for the organisers)

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